Security for your plant…. year round comfort for your guards

Each year, millions of dollars worth of equipment, technology and products are stolen from industrial plants and warehouses.  Some of this costly shrinkage is the work of unauthorized personnel but all too often, employees look at theft as part of their pay package.

CPS Sentinel Security Buildings won’t, in themselves, prevent theft, but they do help control the comings and goings of those responsible for shrinkage in the workplace.



CPS Guard Houses are at the core of many industrial security programs.  They provide an efficient, climate controlled headquarters for security personnel.  A variety of styles and sizes are available from simple one-person  kiosks to custom multi-room units with washroom facilities.

Product Specifications-GUARD HOUSES

Floor Frame


Structural wood floor joists and multi-ply beams to suit 50 lbs/sq.ft. floor loading and span.  5/8” thick panel T&G sub-floor fastened securely (glued and nailed for added strength) to floor joists.  All joints are…

Standard Exterior Colours-GUARD HOUSES

All CPS Guard Houses are available with vertical steel siding, factory enamelled in a choice of 15 attractive colours, plus brick veneer on large custom models.

For custom designs and pricing contact our head

Standard Options-GUARD HOUSES

Air conditioner units wall or roof

Provision for future air-conditioner

Forced air electric heaters (wall or ceiling)

Gas/propane heaters

Phone/computer (EMT) conduit

Dimmer controls for interior lighting

Additional electrical outlets

Special door hardware, closers, panic exit, locks, kick plates

Additional doors