Standard Exterior Colours-GUARD HOUSES

All CPS Guard Houses are available with vertical steel siding, factory enamelled in a choice of 15 attractive colours, plus brick veneer on large custom models.

For custom designs and pricing contact our head office or local distributor.

Standard Exterior Colours:

Tile Red 

Bone White

Saddle Tan

Dark Brown

Regent Gray

Int’l Orange

Autumn Gold

Holstein Black



Barn Red

White White

Forest Green

Cocoa Brown

Slate Blue

 Note: colours represented may not be accurate.


CPS Guard Houses are at the core of many industrial security programs.  They provide an efficient, climate controlled headquarters for security personnel.  A variety of styles and sizes are available from simple one-person

Product Specifications-GUARD HOUSES

Floor Frame


Structural wood floor joists and multi-ply beams to suit 50 lbs/sq.ft. floor loading and span.  5/8” thick panel T&G sub-floor fastened securely (glued and nailed for added strength) to floor joists.  All joints are…

Standard Exterior Colours-GUARD HOUSES

All CPS Guard Houses are available with vertical steel siding, factory enamelled in a choice of 15 attractive colours, plus brick veneer on large custom models.

For custom designs and pricing contact our head

Standard Options-GUARD HOUSES

Air conditioner units wall or roof

Provision for future air-conditioner

Forced air electric heaters (wall or ceiling)

Gas/propane heaters

Phone/computer (EMT) conduit

Dimmer controls for interior lighting

Additional electrical outlets

Special door hardware, closers, panic exit, locks, kick plates

Additional doors